Preventing Stress

There are a number of steps you can take to help prevent stress; these include:

  • Take time out: take time out to be by yourself and relax by doing something you enjoy or spend time with friends and family.
  • Avoid stressful situations: if you know that a situation will stress you out, avoid it as often as possible. Obviously this is not always possible.
  • Eat healthily: your diet can play a huge part in determining your state of mind. Eat a healthy and balanced diet and avoid eating foods with a high sugar content; these cause your mood to peak and trough, which can affect the way you feel and make you feel short of energy. Eating a healthy diet also helps to keep you fit and healthy and free from illness.
  • Exercise: exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent stress. Exercise has an array of health benefits, as well as providing a distraction to everyday life and an escape from stressful situations. Exercise releases ‘happy hormones’ known as endorphins, which help to make you feel energised and positive. Exercise will also help to keep you looking healthy and fit which will increase your self-esteem and confidence. Certain exercises can help to relax you, while some can be helpful to release anger and frustration; yoga and Pilates will help to relax the mind. If you want to take out some aggression or frustration, why not try kickboxing or boxing. Adults should do moderate exercise for 30 minutes 5 times a week.
  • Stop smoking: smoking is used by many people as a form of relaxation, but it actually contributes to anxiety, as well as a host of health conditions.
  • Sleep: make sure you allow yourself sufficient time for sleep. It is recommended that adults have seven hours of sleep per night. Try to relax for a period of time before going to bed by watching television, reading or having a nice bath, as this will help you to get to sleep.

Guide to Mental Health

Mental Health Intro










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