Da Vinci veneers have become famous thanks to television makeover shows and Hollywood stars. Da Vinci veneers are commonly associated with the Hollywood smile.
How are Da Vinci veneers different?
Da Vinci veneers are specially designed to dramatically improve the look of a persons smile; they are made of an extremely thin ceramic material. The Da Vinci family has been working to change the way people look for over 20 years and is now considered a market leader in the cosmetic dentistry industry.
Why have Da Vinci veneers?
Nowadays it is easier than ever to make a real change to the way you look, without a great deal of effort or pain. A persons smile is one of their most important and recognisable features and can make a real difference to the way a person looks; this can boost levels of confidence and self-esteem considerably and completely change the way people perceive themselves.
How quickly can the treatment be done?
Normally, the treatment takes a minimum of 2 weeks; during this time the patient will need to visit their dentist 3 times. The first appointment will involve a consultation about the treatment; the dentist will check the patient is a suitable candidate for Da Vinci veneers, explain what is involved in the procedure and discuss the patients needs and desires to help with the design of the new smile. During the second appointment the dentist will prepare the teeth, which involves taking off very thin layers of the teeth in order to make room for the new veneers; in some cases, patients may have local anaesthetic. After the teeth have been prepared, the dentist will make an impression of the teeth and send it away to the dental lab. The veneers will be made up and sent back to the surgery where they will be fitted to the patients teeth during the third appointment; once the fit and look of the veneers has been checked, they will be fixed to the teeth.
Are Da Vinci veneers available in the U.K?
Although Da Vinci veneers are manufactured in America, the treatment is now available at many clinics in the U.K.
How does the price compare with other types of veneers?
Da Vinci veneers are generally slightly more expensive than other types of veneer and cost around £600 per Da Vinci veneer. They are considerably more expensive than composite veneers but a similar price to other types of porcelain veneers.