There is no cure for migraines but there are treatments that can ease symptoms; these include:
- Painkillers: painkillers are most effective when taken at the first sign of a migraine developing. Most patients take paracetamol or aspirin.
- Anti-inflammatory medication: these tablets may be more effective as they are designed to reduce swelling; ibuprofen is the most popular anti-inflammatory medication; it can be bought over the counter and can be taken with paracetamol. Some people, such as those with stomach problems or liver problems, are advised not to take ibuprofen; you should ask your pharmacist or doctor before you take this medication.
- Anti-sickness medication: this help to ease feelings of nausea; they are most effective when taken as soon as the patient feels a migraine coming on.
- Triptan medication: triptan medications are usually used if over the counter painkillers have filed to ease the symptoms of a migraine. Triptan medicines cause the blood vessels around the brain to contract, which eases the headache. Some triptan medicines are available over the counter, but some require a prescription.
Pharmacies also sell special migraine combination tablets, which contain both painkillers and anti-sickness tablets; you should ask your pharmacist for details of which medication will suit you best.
Guide to Migraine
What are the symptoms of a migraine?