Male Infertility

Male infertility accounts for around a third of the cases of infertility; infertility currently affects only 5 percent of British couples.

Causes of Male Infertility

There may be several reasons for male infertility, but the most common cause is abnormal semen (this includes abnormally shaped semen, semen with low mobility and a low sperm count). Other causes may also include health problems relating to the testicles, hormonal issues and problems with ejaculation. Infertility may also be increased by smoking, drinking and being overweight.

Treatment for Male Infertility

In many cases, the cause of infertility can be rectified using treatments such as medication and surgery; changes in lifestyle may also affect fertility. If the couple still cannot conceive they may be offered treatments such as IUI (intrauterine insemination) or IVF (in-vitro fertilisation) treatment; the availability of these treatments depends on the local Primary Care Trust and there are certain criteria which the couple must fulfil to get treatment on the NHS; private treatment is more widely available but it can be extremely expensive.

Increasing fertility

Below are a few tips to help boost fertility as well as improving general health:

  • Stop smoking
  • Cut down on drinking
  • Avoid illegal drugs
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat well
  • Lose weight (if you are overweight)
  • Reduce stress levels

Men’s Health

Men Health Intro

Cardiovascular disease


Hypertension high blood pressure



Male conditions

Male Infertility

Prostate Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Prostate Conditions

Sexual Health

Treating Stis


Erectile dysfunction