Health in the workplace

Workplaces are obliged to comply with a number of measures set out by the Environmental Health Department and the Health and Safety Executive; these are designed to prevent accidents and ensure everyone has the right to work in a clean and safe environment.

Health considerations:

  • Smoking: smoking has now been banned in all public places. Employers must display visible ‘no smoking’ signs. Some employers may enforce fines if employees are caught smoking.
  • Fire Doors:
  • Asbestos: people should not be subjected to working in environments where asbestos is present
  • Toilet facilities: toilet facilities should be kept clean at all times
  • Noise levels
  • Manual handling
  • Workplace temperature: temperatures in an office should not be below 16 degrees
  • Ventilation: workplaces should be well ventilated
  • Warning signs: warning signs should be displayed for wet floors, loose ground and areas that are out of bounds or dangerous (such as boiler rooms for example)

Workplace Health

Most people spend the majority of their day at work so it is important for the workplace to be a safe and healthy environment. Employers are required to comply with certain criteria to ensure the workplace is safe for staff but there may be many other factors, aside from safety, which may contribute to health problems at work. The articles below will outline some of the most common health problems associated with employees and the workplace and will offer advice and information on how to deal with these problems and introduce measures to prevent them occurring in the future.

Guide to Health in the workplace

Health in the workplace

Managing stress

Hydration and nutrition at work

Preventing repetitive strain injuries


Health benefits packages