Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is a common condition which causes people to feel discomfort or pain in their legs; this causes sleep disturbances. Restless legs syndrome may develop naturally (primary RLS) or it may be caused as a result of other health conditions, including Parkinson’s disease and anaemia (secondary RLS).

Symptoms of restless legs syndrome

Common symptoms of RLS include:

  • Uncomfortable sensations in the legs
  • An urge to move the legs
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Insomnia
  • Involuntary leg movements

Treating restless legs syndrome

If you have secondary RLS treatment for the condition that is causing the syndrome will usually ease symptoms. In cases of primary RLS, a change of lifestyle may benefit patients; this includes avoiding alcohol at night, stopping smoking, exercising regularly and establishing a routine of going to sleep and waking up. You may also be prescribed medication to help ease the symptoms and pain associated with restless legs syndrome.

Guide to Sleep Disorder

Sleep Disorder Intro



Restless legs syndrome

Sleep apnoea

Sleeping well
