Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy; it is particularly common during the first trimester of the pregnancy. It is thought that nausea is caused by hormonal changes that take place during the initial stages of pregnancy. Nausea can be really troublesome for many women as it happens at a time when they are already feeling run down and when they haven’t told most people that they’re pregnant; consequently, it is difficult for people to understand why they may be acting differently. To cope with morning sickness, experts recommend the following guidelines:

  • Try to eat a plain piece of toast or a biscuit when you wake up and give yourself plenty of time to get up
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Avoid smells or foods that make you feel more nauseous
  • Make sure you rest and get sleep when you can
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing
  • Eat foods containing ginger or put ginger in your tea; this is supposed to help you feel less nauseous

If you are being sick constantly and cannot keep anything down you should see your midwife or GP as this may be symptomatic of a condition called Hyperemesis gravidarum; this condition needs special treatment.

Guide to Pregnancy


Backache during Pregnancy

Constipation during Pregnancy

Eating during pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

Heartburn and Indigestion During Pregnancy


Morning sickness

Piles during Pregnancy

Stages of pregnancy




Support for parents that have lost a baby

Pregnancy Tests