All babies are different and while some babies may have no trouble with their teeth, others may experience real pain and discomfort when their teeth emerge through the gums. Milk teeth usually start to develop around the age of 6 months, but this can vary considerably depending on the individual child.


Some children won’t display any symptoms and will have no pain when they are teething but the majority experience a degree of pain and may also develop additional symptoms which can make them feel poorly; these symptoms include:

  • A high temperature
  • Rosy cheeks
  • Sickness
  • Red gums
  • Emotional changes (becoming irritated, restless and more clingy than usual)
  • Dribbling
  • Loss of appetite (because eating or drinking is painful)

Reducing discomfort

There are several ways to reduce the pain caused by teething; these include:

  • Over the counter pain relief
  • Teething gels
  • Teething rings (sometimes these are filled with cool gel which helps to soothe the gums)
  • Cold drinks

Teething and dental care tips

Try to avoid giving your child sugary drinks and foods, especially when the teeth are coming through or have only recently developed. Start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as they develop and start taking them to the dentist for a regular check-up from the age of one. When your baby is teething they may dribble a lot more than usual so put a bib on them and wipe their mouth and chin regularly to stop them from getting a rash.

Guide to NewBorn Health

NewBorn Intro


Childhood fever




Ear infections


Looking newborn baby


Birth Defects